Excerpts from the 1907 History of Pottawattamie County
Loveland was a village in Rockford Township. In 1856 a Baptist church was organized where Loveland is now. The original membership was 12 persons: W. A. Reel and wife, John Deil and wife, Hardin Jones and wife, Mary A. Frazier, Cynthia Mace, Edward Latham and Josiah Skelton. In 1880 they erected a church and the membership had grown to 75. Rev. John Case was the first pastor. It is claimed to be the oldest Baptist society west of the Des Moines River.
From 1867, when the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad entered, that was the only one in the township until the advent of the Illinois Central in 1899. This road established a station named Grable. There is but one store there as yet (in 1907).
The population of Loveland in 1907 was 250. It had two general stores, a lumber yard, elevator and feed mill.