Biographies “J”

The Pottawattamie County Genealogical Society has access to
at least one biography for the following early residents of
Pottawattamie County.
 Note: Except for Council Bluffs, all references in the second column are to a township.
 Jack, Henry B. Lincoln
 Jackson, Mrs. Martha J. Neola
 Jackson, J. S. Waveland
 Jackson, James A. Council Bluffs
 Jacquemin, C. B. Council Bluffs
 James, H. Council Bluffs
 James, Stephen James
 Jamison, Peter Grove
 Jefferson, Thomas H. James
 Jeffryes, R. S. Macedonia
 Johnson, J. W. Waveland
 Johnson, Dr. S. M. Macedonia
 Johnson, W. T. Grove
 Johnson, F. T. C. Norwalk
 Jones, David T. York
 Jones, Hardin Rockford
 Jones, John Green Rockford
 Jones, R. F. Macedonia
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