Keg Creek Township

From the 1882 & 1907 Pottawattamie County Histories

The general history of this township is that of Silver Creek up to 1873, when it was cut out of that township on October 14, 1873. The township was named after its principal stream. Among the early settlers who have become prominent and contributed largely to the development of this township were: Wooster Fay, A. W. Wyman, S. G. Underwood, and Col. Wm. Orr.

The early officers of the township were: A. W. Wyman, Wooster Fay and Fredrick Miller, trustees, and George Kirby, justice of the peace: later, — F. Heuwinkel, H. Kirehoff and A. L. Ingram, trustees; Henry Heuwinkel, clerk; F. C. Frohardt and F. W. Basch, justices of the peace.


  • Settlers: 1855 – Mr. Gierson & Henry Kams; 1856 – Thomas Moffatt and Mr. Breckinridge, Mr. McNay, William Campbell and, those already listed above.
  • Road: 1860 – established by Judge J. P. Casady and known as the Council Bluffs and Lewis Road.
  • School: 1856 – in a log cabin that had been moved out of Moffat’s grove to the edge of the prairie.
  • Teacher: Miss Catharine Buffington
  • Churches: Two — one Methodist, and a German Lutheran
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